Emerging Trend in HVAC system towards a Green World


  • Green Building movement
  • Energy Efficiency driven by automation (loT etc.). To discuss Ashrae Standard 90.1.
  • Discuss Indoor Air Quality standards and Ashrae 62.1
  • Sustainability


  • Green World” is a term used to describe world of nature and plants.

    The construction industry, together with the materials industries which support it’ is one of the major global exploiters of natural resources, both physical and biological. 



“Green Building” are designed and constructed in accordance with practices that significantly reduce or eliminate the cradle to grave negative impacts of buildings on the environment and occupants in five broad areas:

  • Sustainable Site Planning
  • Safeguarding Water and Water Efficiency
  • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
  • Conservation of Materials and Resources
  • Indoor Environmental Quality


GREEN BUILDING- Energy Efficiency​

Energy Efficiency” If you look at the energy bill of any building, the air conditioning is the main culprit for the high bills. And that is where a lot of time the green is often misunderstood as something to do with energy efficiency alone.

What evolved in the last two decades, the focus continues to be on energy efficiency in Green rating systems.

GREEN BUILDING- Environmental wellness​

The significance of sustaining “environmental wellness” is a subject that has generated aggravated interest particularly in the last decade and a half.

Issues relating to climate change and global warming and the detrimental effects they could potentially have on our quality of life is also being buttressed by stakeholders.



The need to have “Green environmentally friendly” buildings has led to the creation of not a few International and Certification Agencies the world over that seek to showcase and reward building design and/or upgrades with ratings that show the extent to which any infrastructure in question performs on an environmental scorecard.

These Certification and rating agencies essentially serve as Non-Governmental Agencies (NGOs) and as such seldom have any direct link on policy formulation.

However, they do seek to encourage the following:

  • Social Responsibility. (Better Living Conditions for People)
  • Environmental Stewardship (Planet – Less impact on the environment)
  • Economic Prosperity (profit – reduce the life cycle cost of the building).

GREEN BUILDING- What makes HVAC product Green?​

There is a clear-cut benchmark which should serve as minimum criteria for a HVAC product to be classified as “green”.

Amongst but not exhaustive to this list should be that a Green HVAC Product should seek to be and/or deliver/meet the following criteria:

  • Minimized Energy Use
  • Reduced Embodied Energy
  • Ease of Operation and use
  • Economic lifespan and high recyclable absorption.


Building automation allows for optimization control of HVAC and lighting systems, ensuring they are only in use when necessary.

By implementing demand-based control systems, energy is only consumed when needed.

Predictive maintenance, fueled by real-time monitoring data analytics, allows you to address issues before they become more serious, saving energy and maintenance costs.


Internet of Things (IoT) system consists of sensors/devices which “talk” to the cloud through some kind of connectivity. Once the data gets to the cloud, software processes it and then might decide to perform an action, such as sending an alert or automatically adjusting the sensors/devices without the need for the user.

The benefits of IoT in building automation include improved energy efficiency, enhanced building security, remote access and control, and cost reduction. This means that operators can oversee operations from anywhere in the world, using devices connected to the internet.


Standard 90.1 has been a benchmark for commercial building energy codes in the United States, and a key basis for codes and standards around the world, for almost half a century.

This standard provides the minimum requirements for energy-efficient design of most sites and buildings, except low-rise residential buildings.


Preview 90.1-2022

The 2022 edition of Standard 90.1 incorporates over 80 addenda to the 2019 edition. Major additions appearing for the first time in a minimum-efficiency U.S. model energy standard or code at the national level include:

  • A minimum prescriptive requirement for on-site renewable energy
  • An optional Mechanical System Performance Path allowing HVAC system efficiency tradeoffs based on the new total system performance ratio (TSPR) metric
  • New requirements to address the impacts of thermal bridging



Smart and sustainable approaches to green building construction should incorporate Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) as a critical component of building design.

IAQ is one of the most important determining factors of human health as more than half of the air inhaled by a person during his/her lifetime is at home

Prominent air pollutants found indoors are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Particulate Matter (PM), Carbon monoxide (CO), Lead (Pb), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), and Asbestos.

These pollutants are well-known causative agents of allergies, hypersensitivity, lung infections, and Sick Building Syndrome (SBS).

Several forms of these pollutants are reported to be carcinogenic too.


Usage of low-VOC emitting building materials, interior components, and paints needs to be emphasized to create a wholesome indoor environment.

IAQ is controlled by removal of the contaminant or by dilution.

Strategies for ample ventilation, efficient distribution of fresh air supply, properly designed Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system.

At a reasonable energy cost, maintaining good IAQ is incorporated by notable green-building certification systems like LEED and GRIHA.


Standard 62.1 specifies minimum ventilation rates and other measures intended to provide indoor air quality (IAQ) that’s acceptable to human occupants and that minimizes adverse health effects.

The standard provides procedures and methods for meeting minimum ventilation and IAQ requirements to engineers, design professionals, owners, and jurisdictional authorities where model codes have been adopted.


Ashrae define sustainability as “Providing for the needs of the present without detracting from the ability to fulfill the needs of the future.”

“Sustainability” as described by (Kilbert J.) can be summarized as; meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Thus, ethical and environmental responsibilities are critical factors to consider.

By the year 2040, the world population will increase by another 1.8 billion people.

By that same year, there will be a 48 percent increase in the consumption of marketed energy.

By 2050, 70% of the world population will live in urban areas.

Airborne threats such as carbon emissions, greenhouse gases, infectious airborne diseases and flammable refrigerants can affect the health of our ever-growing population.

SUSTAINABILITY. Ashrae Lead the Charge

ASHRAE’s commitment to furthering energy efficiency guidance in achieving net zero energy buildings makes a possibility a reality.

ASHRAE’s new global headquarters will showcase the latest equipment, systems and technology for visitors to see sustainability in action.

ASHRAE’s new global headquarters will be the hub for the development of building solutions for a healthier world.

We are Mandilas…committed to you!



    Well said.


    Very interesting and educative about HVAC systems.

    1. Jimoh Olamilekan

      Thank you

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